Statistics Building

Welcome to the Department of Statistics at Colorado State University. Statistics is the science of inferring knowledge from data and describing uncertainty in those inferences. It plays a central role in scientific research, social policy, and governance. The Department of Statistics has a world-class record of success in education, research and service and has an out-sized impact on campus because of its engagement in educating students in all disciplines and interdisciplinary research.


Department Highlights

Department sponsoring screening of Counted Out on 3/27

The Department of Statistics is sponsoring a screening of Counted Out on Thursday 3/27. Counted Out investigates the biggest crises of our time through the unexpected lens of math. Watch the trailer and learn more at The screening will be in Natural Resources Building, Room 113. Doors open at 5:30PM. Film starts at 6:00PM. Tickets are free and can be reserved here.

Professor Ander Wilson Receives NIH grant

Ander Wilson has been awarded a 5-year R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health “Statistical Methods for Precision Environmental Health with Mixture Exposures.” The project will develop new statistical and data science tools to estimate individualized effects of environmental exposures, such as air pollution, heat, and heavy metals. The objective is to identify individuals or subpopulations that are most sensitive to environmental exposures and inform targeted public health interventions. Wilson is the overall project principal investigator. The project includes collaboration with Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Read more about the project here.

Statistics Graduate Students Present at the Graduate Student Showcase

Graduate students Hannah Butler, Tristan Contant, Danielle Demateis, and Brody Erlandson proudly represented the Statistics Department at the Graduate Student Showcase. All four students showcased their research through a poster and a 3-minute presentation.

Matt Koslovsky and Austin Ellingworth win Teaching and Mentoring Awards

Professor Matt Koslovsky and graduate student Austin Ellingworth were recognized for excellence in teaching and mentoring by the College of Natural Science (CNS). Matt received the Early Career Faculty Excellence in Teaching and/or Mentoring award. Austin received the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching and/or Mentoring award. Read about all this year’s CNS award winners here.

CSU Seeks Chair for the Department of Statistics

Colorado State University seeks a Chair for the Department of Statistics to provide visionary leadership for statistics and data science at a modern land-grant university. We are seeking applicants with outstanding interpersonal communication and organizational skills who are excited about joining an already strong department. Please consider applying here.

Multiple Assistant Professor Openings

The Department of Statistics is searching for two assistant professors starting in the fall of 2024:

  1. A tenure-track Assistant Professor. Applicants in all areas of statistics are encouraged to apply. See additional information and instructions here.
  2. A non-tenure-track Assistant Professor with a focus on teaching. We are particularly interested in individuals who can teach master’s classes on a variety of applied statistics topics. See additional information and instructions here.

Upcoming Department Seminars,

Preliminary Exams,

& Ph.D. Defenses

Department Video Archive

Statistics Department Clubs & Organizations

Student Organized Activities and Research Seminars (SOARS)


Student Organized Activities and Research Seminars (SOARS) exists to encourage community and scholarship among graduate students in the statistics department and more broadly at Colorado State University.


See the SOARS website and full calendar of upcoming events here.

The Data Science and Statistical Learning Journal Club

The Data Science and Statistical Learning Journal Club

The Data Science and Statistical Learning Journal Club meets weekly to discuss papers and current work on topics relevant to data science and statistical learning. At the beginning of each semester, we will select a few interesting and latest manuscripts to study.

See the Data Science and Statistical Learning Journal Club website here.

Stat Alliance

CSU Stat Alliance

Stat Alliance is a student-led club welcome to all students with any level of interest or skill in statistics. Our meetings include hearing from guest speakers in the field of statistics,  making connections, social activities and much more!

See the Stat Alliance website and full calendar of upcoming events here.

Environmental Biostatistics Working Group

Environmental Biostatistics Working Group

The Environmental Biostatistics Working Group seeks to build collaboration and community among faculty and students working in biostatistics with application in environmental and public health.

See the Environmental Biostatistics Working Group website here.

Statistics Communication Group

Statistics Communication Group

The Statistics Communication Group is a student-led platform for communicating statistics research to the public. Graduate and undergraduate students conducting statistics research can submit a short explanation of their research for publication on the writing group’s blog.

See the blog page here for more details.


Department News

Q&A with data science alum Austin Lackey

CNS Source sat down with Austin Lackey, a CSU alum (’24), to learn more about the CSU Data Science program.

$2.5M NIH grant will develop statistical tools for precision environmental health research

Researchers in the Department of Statistics at Colorado State University have been awarded a $2.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop computational tools for use in the field of precision environmental health.

Andee Kaplan Receives NSF CAREER Award

Andee Kaplan, Statistics Assistant Professor, receives National Science Foundation CAREER Award for flexible Bayesian Record Linkage Research.

College of Natural Sciences Dean Nerger taking on new role in the CSU System

Professor Jacob Roberts, chair of the Department of Physics, has been named interim dean of the college.
