Statistics Department Undergraduate Advisor Contact Information

Ben Prytherch
Undergraduate Advisor and Instructor
MS, Colorado State, 2013
Email: prytherc@stat.colostate.edu
Office: Statistics 213

Stacy Edmondson
Undergraduate Advisor and Instructor
MS, Colorado State, 2011
PhD, Colorado State, 2015
Email: stacy.edmondson@colostate.edu
Office: Statistics 214

Elizabeth Montgomery
Academic Success Coordinator
MS Psychology, Colorado State University
BS Psychology, Mary Washington College
Email: Elizabeth.Montgomery@colostate.edu
Office: Statistics 207

Marty Sweeney
Undergraduate Coordinator
Email for general undergraduate questions.
Email: Martin.Sweeney@colostate.edu
Office: Statistics 102
Current Statistics Majors and Minors can schedule an advising appointment using the button below.
Students who are interested in Statistics as a possible future major or minor should email Academic Success Coordinator Elizabeth Montgomery or call 970-491-0907 to schedule an appointment.
The Statistics Department offers both a major and a minor in statistics. Here are the degree outlines for both: