The Ph.D. course requirements are sufficiently flexible to allow the student to pursue either a methodological or theory oriented plan of study. The student, in consultation with his/her adviser and Ph.D. advisory committee, can design a course of study to adequately prepare for his/her chosen dissertation topic.
In addition to meeting the course requirements below, a PhD student must also meet any requirements of the Graduate School.
1. Pass the Doctoral Candidacy Requirement (DCR) for
- STAT 520 (4) Introduction to Probability Theory
- STAT 530 (3) Mathematical Statistics
- STAT 540 (3) Data Analysis and Regression
- STAT 640 (4) Design and Linear Modeling I
2. Completion of
- STAT 620 (3) Introduction to Measure Theoretic Probability
- STAT 630 (3) Advanced Statistical Data Analysis
- STAT 720 (3) Probability Theory
- STAT 730 (4) Advanced Theory of Statistics I
3. Completion of nine credits from the list below:
- STAT 521 (3) Stochastic Processes I
- STAT 525 (3) Analysis of Time Series I
- STAT 555 (1) Statistical Consulting Skills
- STAT 556 (2) Directed Statistical Consulting
- STAT 560 (3) Applied Multivariate Analysis
- STAT 570 (3) Nonparametric Statistics
- STAT 600 (3) Statistical Computing
- STAT 605 (3) Theory of Sampling Techniques
- STAT 623 (3) Spatial Statistics
- STAT 645 (3) Categorical Data Analysis and GLIM
- STAT 650 (3) Design and Linear Modeling II
- STAT 670 (3) Bayesian Statistics
- STAT 673 (3) Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology
- STAT 740 (3) Advanced Statistical Methods
General Requirements
- Students are expected to complete STAT501 in the fall semester of their first year, STAT 592 or STAT 792 (Seminar) each semester, and STAT 684 as requested by the department.
- Students must also satisfy the degree and credit requirements mandated by the Graduate School.
- In completing their coursework, students may select from pre-designed PhD Tracks, or put together a plan of study with the help of their graduate advisory committee. In the latter case, the plan of study should be consistent with the course requirements stated above, and the students must petition the department graduate committee for approval.
Please review our STAT Courses in the Colorado State University Catalog. Thank you.
Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Department of Statistics
Colorado State University
Fort Collins CO 80523-1877
Telephone: (970) 491-5269
FAX: (970) 491-7895
E-mail: stats@stat.colostate.edu