Statistics Department Policy on Term Limits for Funding
Graduate students in the MS/PhD program are limited to a maximum of ten academic semesters of financial support. Graduate students pursuing an MS degree only are limited to four academic semesters of funding . Summer funding does not count towards the limit. Graduate students in the PhD program are limited to a maximum of six academic semesters of funding starting in the semester they enter the PhD program and a total of ten academic semesters of funding as graduate students (in the MS and PhD programs) combined. Summer support does not count towards the limit.
Amended by faculty vote January 2023.
Petition for Additional Support
MS students may petition the Graduate Committee for an additional academic semester of support. PhD students may petition the Graduate Committee for up to two additional academic semesters of support. The petition must include:
- Reason that progress in the respective program has been delayed past the usual expectation of time in the program.
- A detailed timetable for completion of the program requirements.
- A statement of support by the faculty advisor.
Amended by faculty vote January 2023.
Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Department of Statistics
Colorado State University
Fort Collins CO 80523-1877
Telephone: (970) 491-5269
FAX: (970) 491-7895
E-mail: stats@stat.colostate.edu