Graduate Applied Stat Courses
Below is a description of applied statistics for researchers courses for students across CSU. These courses fill very quickly. Early registration is strongly encouraged.
STAR 511 (Design and Data Analysis for Researchers I) is a popular and practical course for graduate students from across the university. Topics include simple linear regression, one-way ANOVA and R software. This is a 4-credit course offered every semester.
STAR 512 (Design and Data Analysis for Researchers II) is a continuation of STAR 511. Topics include multiple regression, factorial ANOVA and mixed models. Because this course includes a project, it is best for students who have their thesis data and are at the stage of doing analysis. This is a 4-credit course offered Spring semesters only.
STAR 501 – 549 are topics courses designed to offer flexibility. Examples include STAR 501 (Data Wrangling and Visualization) and STAR 513 (Regression Models). We will continue to add topics based on student interest. These are 2-credit courses offered on a rotating basis.
For full course descriptions see Catalog.
For current course offerings see RamWeb.
Graduate Certificate in Data Analysis
All of the courses above apply towards the Graduate Certificate in Data Analysis.
For information about Statistics Graduate Certificates see website.
Non-credit Learning Opportunities
The Department of Statistics has partnered with the Library to offer Coding and Cookies to the campus community.
Statistical Consulting
The Graybill Statistics and Data Science Laboratory (Stat Lab) provides general statistical consulting to researchers (students and faculty) from every college at Colorado State University.