Our department takes pride in its top-ranked academic programs. We offer a variety of degrees, learning options, research areas, and real-world application opportunities to meet your educational needs in a friendly atmosphere that encourages collaboration, learning and your success.
Graduate Student Directory
Q&A with data science alum Austin Lackey
CNS Source sat down with Austin Lackey, a CSU alum (’24), to learn more about the CSU Data Science program.
Statistics undergraduate summer research program culminates at CURC
For students studying statistics, undergraduate research is a valuable, hands-on chance to learn how to use statistics to support real research with real-world outcomes.
Statistics master’s student wins Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Hackathon
Glenn Swanson, a recent graduate from the Applied Statistics Master’s Program, recently won first place in the Harmonized Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Hackathon, a competition to create statistical models that could potentially help in a health care setting.
Graduate Student Spotlight: Lucy Lu
In her first years here, Lucy developed a framework that combines methods from applied mathematics and computer science to fuse mechanistic partial differential equations with statistical models in a big data setting.