Statistics is the science of collection, organization, analysis, and explanation of data. The field offers many opportunities for people who enjoy interpreting the world in quantitative ways using numbers, surveys, and computers. In this field, methods are developed and used to explain quantitative patterns observed in the social, physical, and natural sciences and in business and industry. The following is a summary of the Master of Science degree requirements in statistics.
The MS degree has been very successful in preparing candidates for careers in industry and government. The MS is broadly based with course work in statistical methodology, probability theory, mathematical statistics, and linear statistical models as well as a selection of courses from stochastic processes, time series, sampling, multivariate analysis, statistical computing, and other areas.
CSU’s MS program is our `academic-track’ master’s degree. Because it is also a building block toward our PhD program, its courses not only provide introduction to statistical methods and techniques but also provide the theoretical background necessary for further PhD work. Students interested in a more applied program should consider our Applied Statistics Program.
The undergraduate major of a prospective student is not important. Students are required to have had at least three semesters of calculus, a course in linear algebra, and at least one proof-based mathematics course such as real analysis. Additional background that is useful but not required for admission: Upper division statistics courses and experience in at least one computer programming language.