Private Statistics Tutor List


Tutor Name and E-mail Address Courses Availability
Michael Creutzinger – 200 – 300 level
Danielle Demateis – All levels Online Only
Austin Ellingworth – 200 – 300 level

JMP Statistical Software

JMP is a modern, user-friendly, and powerful software package for conducting statistical analyses.  We think it is a good option for anyone who does not want to use a command-line language (such as R or Python) for conducting analyses.

The Statistics Department pays for a yearly university-wide educational site license for JMP, so that students, faculty, and staff may use it for education-related purposes free of charge.  Students registering for a STAT course that uses JMP are sent a direct link and license from RamTech.  Anyone else interested in using JMP for an educational purpose may contact RamTech to request a copy.