
Lane Drew Wins Thomas A. Jones Graduate Fellowship

Graduate student Lane Drew received the 2024 Thomas A. Jones Graduate Fellowship from the College of Natural Sciences. The fellowship recognizes graduate students in any program in the College of Natural Sciences that develop advanced quantitative tools to advance research in applied interdisciplinary areas such as ecology, evolutionary biology, or genomics. Lane’s research focuses on developing statistical modeling approaches for applications in tree demography. The work develops computational and Bayesian methods for complex record linkage and spatial data. His research is supervised by Professor Andee Kaplan.

Wilson and Wixson recognized in ASA Section on Statistics and the Environment

Graduate student Troy Wixson received an honorable mention in the ASA Section on Statistics and the Environment student paper competition. Wixson presented his work in a special session at the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in Portland, OR in August. His paper is titled “Attribution of Seasonal Wildfire Risk to Changes in Climate: A Statistical Extremes Approach” and is joint work with his advisor Professor Daniel Cooley.
Professor Ander Wilson received the Early Investigator Award from the ASA Section on Statistics and the Environment at JSM. The award recognizes his contributions to advancements in methodology for the analysis of environmental health data.

Professor Aaron Nielsen Earns Sixth Degree

Statistics professor Aaron Nielsen has earned a BA in Philosophy—his sixth degree to date. The Fort Collins High School valedictorian first attended CSU, where he earned degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics. Professor Nielsen went on to earn a graduate degree in electrical engineering at CU. He then secured a job with a defense contractor in Denver, then returned to CSU to complete two degrees in statistics. Now, he has completed a bachelor’s degree in philosophy at CSU. You can read more about his story here.

Undergraduate Summer Research

This summer 14 Statistics and Data Science undergraduates gained valuable experience by participating in research projects.  These paid positions are sponsored by the College of Natural Sciences, the Statistics department and the Data Science program.  Students were supervised by faculty members Yawen Guan, Ann Hess, Dongzhou Huang, Kayleigh Keller, Aaron Nielsen, Ben Prytherch, Ben Shaby, Tianying Wang, Yunpeng Zhao and Tianjian Zhou.  Application areas included fire conditions in the Western US, football analytics, statistical learning in cancer genomics, quantum computing and homeless outreach in Fort Collins.  Students presented their work to the department on June 28.  This is the third year the department has offered this popular program.  Eight participating students from summer 2023 presented at Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) on April 18.


June 2024: Piotr Kokoszka has been awarded a 36 month Statistics program grant for the project “Monitoring time series in structured function spaces.” The project aims to develop new mathematical theory and statistical tools that will enable monitoring for changes in complex systems, for example in spatio-temporal patterns of infectious diseases, financial asset portfolios, or global trade networks. It will develop statistical methods for  making decisions about an emergence of an atypical pattern in a complex system in real time and with statistical guarantees of a correct decision. The project will also offer multiple interdisciplinary training opportunities for the next generation of statisticians and data scientists, and will include collaborations with economists in the United Kingdom.

Professor Andee Kaplan Receives NSF CAREER Grant

Andee Kaplan (PI) received NSF grant “CAREER: Flexible Record Linkage through Realistic Modeling of Dependent, Missing, and Updating Data.” Record linkage is the process of resolving duplicates in partially overlapping sets of records from noisy data sources without a unique identifier. This project will develop flexible Bayesian record linkage models to enable more accurate linking of data sets through development of flexible priors to incorporate dependence and account for realistic missingness. Additionally, this approach will allow for dynamic data via an updating querying framework for record linkage achieved through a novel filtering approach. This novel methodology will be applied to publicly available and Census Bureau data from the 19th century with identifying information about freedom seekers, captive individuals in the coastwise slave trade, and Black Americans in the Antebellum South. Official records of these individuals are fractured into many sources, each only giving a small glimpse in time. Applying the developed flexible Bayesian record linkage model, this research will reconstruct a fuller account of their lives through linking multiple noisy data sources. Graduate students will be mentored and software will be made publicly available.

2024 WNAR/IMS/Graybill Conference

The Department of Statistics will host the 2024 WNAR/IMS/Graybill Annual Meeting Sunday, June 9 through Wednesday, June 12. More information can be found here.

Piotr Kokoszka Selected as 2024 Professor Laureate

Professors Piotr Kokoszka (Statistics) and Olve Peersen (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) have been recognized by the College of Natural Sciences as 2024 Professor Laureates.
The Professor Laureate Award is the college’s highest academic honor, bestowed upon dedicated faculty with outstanding contributions to the missions of research, teaching, mentoring and outreach. The designation is intended to honor recipients and to provide the college with exceptional role models. The title is held for three years and includes an honorarium and two years of research funding.

Workshop on Bayesian analysis of environmental data

September 18-20, 2023, our department will host a workshop on complex environmental data. Its aim is to provide researchers in  Bayesian, environmental and ecological statistics with a venue to share cutting-edge advances and spark deeper knowledge gains. The workshop will facilitate  the transfer of knowledge between research sub-communities, fostering collaboration, and encourage advances from the wider community of researchers in Bayesian analysis of complex datasets to percolate into the environmental domain. Details are available at

Professor Matt Koslovsky Receives an NSF Grant to Study High-Dimensional Data

Matt Koslovsky (PI) received NSF grant “Bayesian Sparse Dirichlet-Multinomial Models for Discovering Latent Structure in High-Dimensional Compositional Count Data” funded by the Division of Mathematical Sciences program “Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.” Motivated by data generated by high-throughput sequencing technology in omics research, this research project will develop a novel sparse Dirichlet-multinomial (sDM) model that simultaneously accommodates potential zero inflation in multivariate compositional count data while estimating compositional probabilities. Extensions of the sDM modeling framework will be investigated for high-dimensional variable selection and clustering problems, and user-friendly software will be made publicly available. Graduate students will receive educational and professional training and mentoring.

Professor Kokoszka Receives the Neyman Medal

In recognition of his contributions to statistics, Professor Piotr Kokoszka received the Neyman Medal from the Polish Statistical Association in a ceremony in Warsaw, Poland. The ceremony took place in July during the annual conference of the Central Statistical Office of Poland. It was followed by a plenary lecture. The medal was established in 2012 to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the association and is awarded annually.

Jerzy Neyman was one of the founders of modern statistics and is best known for the introduction of the concepts of the confidence interval and stratified sampling and for his contributions to the theory of significance tests. After emigrating to the United States, he established the UC Berkley Department of Statistics where he worked until his retirement.

Two Honors for Professor Dan Cooley

Professor Dan Cooley has been elected as a  Fellow of the American Statistical Association. Every year, this honor is bestowed on up to one one-third of one percent of the total association membership. Professor Cooley has been elected in recognition of leadership and work in extreme value theory and modeling of multivariate extremes, for substantive contributions to the atmospheric and environmental sciences, and for distinguished statistics leadership on committees addressing climate change.

In addition to the election as an ASA Fellow, Professor Cooley received the 2023 ENVR Distinguished Achievement Award from the Environmental Statistics section of the ASA. This award is given to one or two researchers every year. Professor Cooley was recognized for methodological innovation in the field of extreme value analysis, especially for pioneering work in spatial extremes; for leadership in advancing research that bridges the domains of statistics and climate science and for exemplary outreach and mentoring activities.

Professor Dan Cooley Featured on Podcast

Statistics professor Dan Cooley was recently featured on the Carry the Two Podcast, where he discussed using extreme value analysis to model rare weather events. In the episode, Dan discusses how his work can help explain the changing frequency and severity of wildfires in Colorado and how climate change might be playing a key role. You can listen here.

Sierra Pugh recognized in ASA Health Policy Statistics Section

Graduate student Sierra Pugh has won a Best Student Paper award by the Health Policy Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association for her paper, “A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Estimating Age-Specific COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rates in Developing Countries.” Sierra will present her work at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto this August. Her paper is a joint work with her mentor, Dr. Bailey Fosdick. Congratulations, Sierra!

Danielle Demateis named Sustainability Leadership Fellow

Statistics graduate student Danielle Demateis has been named a Sustainability Leadership Fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year. She will participate in the leadership program through the School of Global Environmental Sustainability at CSU. Her work focuses on understanding the environmental factors that influence health. Read more here.

Ellie Martinez Announced as Albert C. Yates Award Winner

Each year, the Colorado State University Alumni Association awards a graduating senior with the Albert C. Yates Leadership Award. The award is given in honor of Albert C. Yates who served as the 12th President of CSU from 1990-2003 and who brought strength and unity to CSU through his leadership and commitment to community. The award is meant to recognize a student who “demonstrates strong involvement, leadership, and a commitment to upholding CSU’s values, traditions, and spirit.” There is no better example of this set of values than this year’s recipient – Statistics major Ellie Martinez (B.S., ’23).


Read the full story here.

Statistics undergraduate summer research program culminates at CURC

The Colorado State University Department of Statistics launched a brand-new summer research program last year that offered 10 structured, undergraduate research projects to students in the department. The first iteration of the program culminated on April 20th, 2023, at Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC), an annual university-wide symposium honoring undergraduates’ work, where the participating statistics students presented their research findings.


Read the full story here.


Professor Piotr Kokoszka and Professor Emeritus Peter Brockwell have been listed as the only CSU researchers with 2022 Mathematical Sciences D-index over 30. The list is compiled by means of an AI algorithm that uses bibliometric data.

Piotr Kokoszka has made contributions to several areas of statistics, mostly to time series analysis and functional data analysis. Peter Brockwell has worked on the theory of stochastic processes and time series analysis. Both are co-authors of research monographs and textbooks.


Department seeks applications for two Research Associate positions

The Department of Statistics at Colorado State University invites applications for two Administrative Professional Research Associate statistical and/or data science collaborator positions in the Graybill Statistics & Data Science Laboratory within the Department of Statistics.

For the Administrative Professional Research Associate II position, click here.

For the Administrative Professional Research Associate III position, click here.

Preferred qualifications include: Three years of experience in applied/collaborative statistics and/or data science; Demonstrated experience to communicate, written and orally, technical topics to non-technical audiences; and collaborative proposal writing experience, especially related to study design and proposed analysis. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but for full consideration, materials should be submitted by March 26, 2023. CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer and conducts background checks on all final candidates.

Three Statistics PhD Students Present Research at CSU GRADSHOW

Statistics PhD Students, Danielle Demateis, Seongwon Im, and Troy Wixson, presented their research at the 2022 Graduate Student Showcase (GRADSHOW). Danielle’s work, titled “Distributed Lag Interaction Model: Birth Weight and Air Pollution”, studies the effect of air pollution exposure during pregnancy on birth weight. Seongwon’s work, titled “Tree Distributed Lag Mixture Model for Zero-inflated Count Data: Estimating the impact of Wildfire smoke and COVID-19 on mortality in Colorado”, studies the exposure and interaction effects of wildfire smoke and COVID-19 on mortality. Troy’s work, “Attribution of Seasonal Wildfire Risk to Changes in Climate”, models the extreme seasonal risk of wildfire and studies the fire weather observed in the Grand Lake area of Colorado in 2020. Statistics Associate Professor, Ander Wilson, served as a judge on the Awards Committee.
Danielle, Seongwon, and Troy enjoyed presenting at the GRADSHOW, because it was good practice to explain their work to people from different disciplines at both high and low levels of detail. Also, they commented that the GRADSHOW provided an opportunity for them to connect with peers and faculty across departments at CSU, which may lead to collaborations and helps them see how statistics is used across campus.

College Early Career Award for Dr. Josh Keller

The College of Natural Science has awarded Dr. Josh Keller with its prestigious Early Career Teaching and Mentoring Award.  An Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, Dr. Keller was recognized for his remarkable record of course innovation and development, his leadership in inclusive excellence, and his exemplary mentorship of graduate and undergraduate students in their research endeavors. The Department of Statistics is grateful for Dr. Keller’s dedication and commitment to excellence in education and mentorship, and congratulates him for this well-deserved recognition.

Welcome to the '22-'23 Academic Year!

The Statistics Department is excited about the start of the ’22-’23 academic year.  The Department welcomed 12 new students into its MS/PhD program, added a new class in the Master’s of Applied Statistics Program, and met our new Statistics Undergraduates at Ram Welcome.  Classes start Monday, August 23. Welcome to all the new Rams!

The new Statistics MS/PhD students 

Undergraduate Summer Research

This summer 10 Statistics and Data Science undergraduates gained valuable experience by participating in research projects. More than 30 students applied for paid positions sponsored by the College of Natural Sciences and the Statistics department. Students were supervised by faculty members Haonan Wang, Josh Keller, Ben Prytherch and Ann Hess. Statistical methods included data wrangling, visualization, linear and logistic regression, mixed models, principal components analysis, type M errors and simulation. Students presented their work to the department on June 30. They will submit posters to Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) in Spring 2023.

Addison D. Adams Joins the Institute for Defense Analyses

ALEXANDRIA, VA (June 2022) – Colorado State University student Addison D. Adams joined the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) as a summer associate in the Operational Evaluation Division of IDA’s Systems and Analyses Center. Adams is a graduate student at Colorado State working towards his doctoral degree in statistics. He earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Utah Valley University in 2019. IDA is a nonprofit corporation that operates three federally funded research and development centers in the public interest. IDA answers the most challenging U.S. security and science policy questions with objective analysis leveraging extraordinary scientific, technical and analytic expertise.

Dr. Julia Sharp named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association

Dr. Julia Sharp was recently named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association for excellent and sustained collaboration that advances the development and practice of statistics, for exceptional mentoring and teaching of statisticians and researchers using statistical methods, and unparalleled service to the ASA and profession.

The designation of ASA Fellow has been a significant honor for nearly 100 years. Under ASA bylaws, the Committee on Fellows can elect up to one-third of one percent of the total association membership as fellows each year.

To be selected, nominees must have an established reputation and have made outstanding contributions to statistical science. The Committee on Fellows evaluates each candidate’s contributions to the advancement of statistical science and places due weight on the following:

  • Published works
  • Position held with employer
  • ASA activities
  • Membership and accomplishments in other societies
  • Professional activities

Dr. Bailey Fosdick Discusses Colorado COVID-19 Surge with Media

Dr. Fosdick was recently interviewed by 9news ( and CBS Denver ( about her work with the Colorado School of Public Health COVID-19 Modeling Team. As COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations sharply rise in Colorado, modeling the future of the pandemic in the state has proven to be more and more challenging.


American Society of Agronomy Honors Group of Statisticians

Julia Sharp, along with a group of other statisticians, will be recognized with The American Society of Agronomy Presidential Award. The Presidential Award is given to “…an individual or group that has impacted our society members in a substantive and lasting way…. (Volenec, ASA President).” The award proclamation states: “The American Society of Agronomy Presidential Award is given to individuals or teams who have influenced agronomic science or crop production practices so greatly that the impact of their efforts will be enduring on future science. This year’s award goes to the NCCC-170 and Experiment Station Statisticians. This group’s contributions has taken many forms including: statistical courses in classrooms; one-on-one guidance on specific research problems; resolution of statistical issues surfaced during the peer-review process; convening popular workshops; authoring key books on emerging statistical methods; and participation in and improving grant applications. They have guided ASA members through decades of change in statistical analyses starting with punch cards and SAS and ending with clouds and R. Most importantly, our science, the evidence underpinning our conclusions and recommendations, and the students we have educated are better because of their scholarly contributions.” A representative from the group will receive the award at the 2021 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Meeting in November.

Congratulations to MAS almun JD Drumheller!

JD Drumheller was named one of the winners in the 2021 ASA Statistics and Environment Section’s data challenge! His winning project was titled: “Predicting tree species distributions in Colorado forests using climate models.” JD graduated from the MAS Data Science program in the summer of 2021. Congratulations JD!

Paper Accepted in Psychological Methods

In collaboration with Scott Liang (PhD student) and Dr. Marina Vannucci at Rice University, Matt Koslovsky co-authored a manuscript recently accepted in Psychological Methods, “Bayesian Continuous-Time Hidden Markov Models with Covariate Selection for Intensive Longitudinal Data with Measurement Error.” This work proposes a Bayesian hidden Markov model to simultaneously identify risk factors for subjects transitioning between discrete latent states as well as risk factors potentially associated with them misreporting their true behaviors using ecological momentary assessment data. Congrats to Scott on his first lead author paper!

Statistics Graduate Student Nehali Mhatre Awarded CNS Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring Award

Statistics Graduate Student, Nehali Mhatre was just awarded the CNS Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring Award. Please join us  in the Cherokee Park Ballroom in the Lory Student Center on Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. for the Professor Laureate lecture and the Teaching and Mentoring Awards ceremony.

Congratulations Nehali!

Statistics Department's Bailey Fosdick Featured in CBS Denver News Story about COVID in Colorado

A team of statisticians from Colorado State University that has spent the pandemic helping the State of Colorado forecast spikes in COVID-19 cases says the recent surge in cases in Colorado is mysterious. While some cases can easily be tracked back, the overall surge that Colorado has seen in recent weeks hasn’t been linked to one underlying factor.

“I don’t know if we will ever know what is causing this spike,” said Dr. Bailey Fosdick, Associate Professor in CSU’s Department of Statistics.


Read full story here.

Recent Publication: "Eye Trauma in Falls Presenting to Emergency Department

Channing Parker served as a Statistical Consultant on a project at University of Pittsburgh in 2019, which resulted in a publication in early 2021. The paper, titled “Eye trauma in falls presenting to the emergency department from 2006 through 2015” by Bushra Usmani, Asad Latif, Mustafa Iftikhar, Yasir J Sepah, Channing Parker, Justin A Fliss, Kunal K Dansingani, and Syed Mahmood Ali Shah, was published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology on February 1st of 2021. The purpose of this project was to characterize the epidemiology of eye trauma in the event of falls presenting to the emergency departments (ED) in the USA.

Statistical faculty Wen Zhou is awarded NIHR01 grant to study the higher order dependence and protein functionality

Prof. Wen Zhou has been awarded a new NIH R01grant (1R01GM144961, 2021-2024) as the PI to study the higher order dependence in high dimensional data and its applications in learning protein functionality and structure. Collaborating with Prof. Zhao Ren from Statistics at University of Pittsburgh, Prof. Robert Jernigan from Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology and Dr. Kejue Jia from Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at Iowa State University, in this project, Wen will tackle the important problem of quantifying and drawing inference on the higher order dependence, and biologically, how to integrate protein structure and sequence information in complex systems. Some of the most important characteristics of protein sequencing and structural data are the strong correlations buried within them, with the pairwise correlations in the sequence data already being routinely used to predict structural contacts. Here, the team will develop novel ways to use huge data sets to extract higher-order dependences, which are now possible with the availability of the large volumes of sequence data from genomics; and in addition, in the molecular structures such higher-order dependences are directly observable in the protein structures where groups of amino acids interact directly. Importantly, these higher-order dependences reflect the dense physical environment in the cell that requires for proper statistical characterization. A new model free information-theoretic measure is introduced to quantify the higher-order dependences, which serves as the central method in this project. By identifying the major challenges in drawing statistical inference based on this measure, the team will develop, evaluate, and improve a new statistical inference and computational framework for analyses of higher-order dependences with discrete data of a general type, motivated by the protein multiple sequence data. The new computationally efficient framework makes it possible to discover reliable higher-order dependences with the ability of quantifying uncertainty. The preliminary data here combine the information from sequences and structures to yield unexpected results that immediately relate to the dynamics of the protein structures. The outcome is an entirely new approach to handle the large volumes of protein sequence data and other omics data now available and the enormous volumes about to arrive on the doorsteps of omics analysts.


Welcome to the Department Channing Parker

Channing Parker recently joined the Department of Statistics as an instructor. They graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2019 with a Master’s degree in Statistics, after receiving their Bachelor’s in Mathematics and Statistics from James Madison University in 2017. Before joining the Statistics Department at CSU, they held a Visiting Instructor position at the University of Pittsburgh from 2019 to 2021. In their spare time, Channing enjoys various forms of art, including photography, macrame, and flower preservation, along with gardening, thrift shopping, and cuddling their dog, Finn. Welcome to the Department of Statistics, Channing!

Jay Breidt Named Chair of Census Scientific Advisory Committee

Jay Breidt has been selected to serve as Chair of the Census Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC) for the US Census Bureau, beginning in August 2021. CSAC is organized under the Federal Advisory Committee Act and consists of experts from demographics, economics, geography, psychology, statistics, survey methodology, social and behavioral sciences, information technology and computing, marketing and other fields. The Committee advises the Director of the Bureau on the full range of Census Bureau programs and activities including communications, decennial census of population, demographic analysis, economic surveys and censuses, field operations, geographic analysis, information technology, and statistics.

New NSF Grant to Fund Statistics Research Related to National Security

Piotr Kokoszka (PI) and Haonan Wang and Indrakshi Ray received NSF grant “Threat Detection Based on Simultaneous Monitoring of Complex Signals from Multiple Sources” funded by the Division of Mathematical Sciences program “Algorithms for Threat Detection”. Motivated by threats to the operation of fleets of heavy vehicles, the research will develop statistical methodology and theory that will create foundations for a broad class of algorithms for real time detection of malicious attacks on various large scale operations. Statistical methodology will be based on probability in metric spaces and hidden Markov chains. Several PhD students will gain expertise at the intersection of advanced statistics, computer science and engineering.

Julia Sharp Continues Leadership in the American Statistical Association

Julia Sharp continues to be a leader in the American Statistical Association (ASA). Julia served on the ASA Board of Directors from 2017 until 2019. While on the Board of Directors, Julia led a Diversity and Inclusion Task Group. This Task Group initiated a diversity and inclusion resource repository and discussions with other entities to develop a diversity and inclusion consortium. Julia led the proposal for the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Outreach Group, which was approved by the ASA Board and is concluding its successful first year of existence. Julia is also serving as Chair of the ASA Council of Chapters Governing Board. Her initiatives have included modernizing chapter communication and obtaining historical chapter health information to help with leadership transitions and communication. Julia also serves on the Conference for Statistical Practice Steering Committee.

Honorable Mention at the 2021 JSM Statistical Significance Poster Competition

Emily Luetschwager, a 2021 CSU graduate and statistics major, was one of 10 posters recognized in the ASA’s Statistical Significance Poster Competition. The competition consists of submitting a one-page illustration of the value of statistics to society with the objective of communicating to a layperson how the statistical solution to a problem would help inform decision making in specific sectors. Emly’s poster, titled “Statistics and the Environment: Detecting Natural Gas Leaks”, outlined how statistical methods help detect and find natural gas leaks with mobile sensors. Emily’s poster was awarded Honorable Mention. Congratulations, Emily!

MAS Student Wins First Place at Harmonized Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Hackathon

Glenn Swanson, a 2021 MAS graduate student won first place in the Harmonized Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Hackathon put on by the University of Colorado School of Medicine. To build her models, Glenn kept the mentality of “keep it parsimonious and interpretable” – something that has stuck with her since taking STAA 551 – for both her linear model and logistic regression equations. In the end her models were selected for their “performance, simplicity, and transferability in the healthcare setting”. Congratulations Glenn!

Outstanding Grads: Ryan Volkert and Dawson Eliason

Ryan Volkert and Dawson Eliason both followed a unique opportunity to be among the first class to graduate from Colorado State University’s Data Science major in the College of Natural Sciences, an achievement that uniquely positions them for a range of possibilities in the professional world. Read the full article here.

Statistics Undergraduate Student Emily Luetschwager Earns 3rd Place at CURC

Emily Luetschwager earned 3rd place at the Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity Showcase. Congratulations Emily!

Dan Mork Appointed to ENAR Council for Emerging and New Statisticians

Graduate student Daniel Mork has been appointed to the Council for Emerging and New Statisticians (CENS) for the Eastern North American Region (ENAR) of the International Biometrics Society. CENS works with the professional society to better serve early career members. The Council is responsible for developing networking; career development; and diversity, equity, and inclusion events. Dan will serve a two-year term of CENS. Congratulations Dan!

Congratulations to our 2021 Student Award Winners!

See the full list of award winners here.

Julia Sharp Named Outstanding Mentor

Julia Sharp was named the Outstanding Mentor Award winner by the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistical Consulting. See website here. Congratulations Julia!

Grant Awarded to Ander Wilson

Assistant Professor Ander Wilson has received a new grant to study the effects of maternal air pollution exposure on birth outcomes. Dr. Wilson is part of a team with researchers at Columbia University, Harvard University, and the Danish Cancer Society that received the award from the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences. The CSU team will develop new statistical and interpretable machine learning methods as part of the collaboration. These new methods will allow researchers to understand who is most susceptible to air pollution and shed light on the biological mechanisms by which air pollution effects fetal development.

New Working Groups Generate Research Momentum

Even though the pandemic thwarted many activities in the Fall, three new working groups in the Department of Statistics generated research excitement in the areas of environmental biostatistics, data science and SAS programming.

The Environmental Biostatistics Working Group, led by Josh Keller, Matt Koslovsky, Zach Weller, and Ander Wilson, seeks to build collaboration and community among faculty and students working in biostatistics with application in environmental and public health.

Read full article here.

Graduate Student Spotlight: Lucy Lu

Xinyi (Lucy) Lu is from Beijing, China. She first came to the U.S. in 2013 to study Statistics at Duke University. Lucy says she was “drawn to Colorado by its spectacular mountain ranges and the equally spectacular statistics program at CSU.”  Advised by Dr. Mevin Hooten and funded by the National Park Service, Lucy’s research involves developing novel and interpretable statistical solutions to ecological questions. Read full article here.

Introducing STAT 100: Statistical Literacy

In the past, Colorado State University undergraduates lacking core quantitative prerequisites had to take MATH 101: Math in the Social Sciences to fulfill the AUCC quantitative reasoning requirement. There were few alternatives to MATH 101 that might benefit students. The Department of Statistics envisioned a course that was accessible to students with little or no math background, and little or no desire to pursue future quantitative courses. Thus, STAT 100: Statistical Literacy was born. Read full article here.

Assistant Professor Develops Novel Methods for Analyzing Microbiome Data

Human microbiome research seeks to better understand the role of our microbial communities and how they interact with their host, respond to their environment and influence disease. \Recently published in the Annals of Applied Statistics, Matt Koslovsky, an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics, and colleagues developed a Bayesian joint model that simultaneously identifies clinical covariates associated with microbial composition data and predicts a phenotypic response using information contained in the compositional data. Previous efforts have modeled these data separately, which can produce biased interpretations and reduce prediction performance. By integrating these data together, their work may help researchers design interventions that modulate the composition of the microbiome to promote health and to cure disease.

Microbiome data are challenging to model in part due to their compositional structure and high-dimensionality. In practice, the computational complexity of regression models designed for microbiome data analysis is compounded by large covariate spaces. To address this, the authors introduce a novel data augmentation strategy for compositional data and embed sparsity inducing priors at both levels of the model to improve the interpretability of the results. Additionally, they provide a user-friendly R package, MicroBVS, that can accommodate alternative model and prior specifications for microbiome data analysis. Their work will be presented at the “Best of Annals of Applied Statistics” session this summer at the Joint Statistical Meetings.

The Department of Statistics Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

This year the Colorado State University Department of Statistics is celebrating its 50th anniversary. It is also the 60th anniversary of its Ph.D. program and the Franklin A. Graybill Statistics and Data Science Laboratory (Stat Lab) – marking six decades of world-class education, research, service, and interdisciplinary support of the CSU community through powerful application of foundational science. Read full article here.

Zach Weller Helps to Publish Paper on Methane Leakage for EPA

Zach Weller, Assistant Professor in the Statistics Department, helped to publish a paper that estimates methane leakage from local natural gas distribution systems. The EPA has shown interest in potentially using the methodology to update its GHG inventory.

Ander Wilson an Author on the Best Environmental Epidemiology Paper Award

Ander Wilson, Assistant Professor in the Statistics department, was recently recognized as one of the authors of a paper which received the Best Environmental Epidemiology Paper Award. The paper is titled Acute Air Pollution Exposure and the Risk of Violent Behavior in the United States by Jesse D Berman, Jesse Burkhardt,  Jude Bayham, Ellison Carter, and Ander Wilson. See the paper here (scroll down to the BEEP Award). Congratulations Ander!

Daniel Mork wins College Outstanding Scholar Award

Statistics PhD Student Daniel Mork won the College of Natural Sciences Outstanding Scholar Award. Dan was one of four awardees from the College of Natural Sciences at the 2020 Graduate Student Showcase. Daniel presented his research that focuses on developing new statistical methods to estimate how maternal exposures to environmental chemicals during pregnancy influence birth outcomes. This is joint work with his thesis advisor Ander Wilson.

New Course Development by Ben Prytherch

Statistic Department’s Ben Prytherch and Professor Matt Ross (Ecosystem Science and Sustainability) received a $20,000 Digital Learning Initiative grant from the Provost’s office to develop three 1-credit, online delivered, freely accessible R courses. The courses are currently being developed by Statistics students Alex Fout, Connor Gibbs, and Kathleen Wendt (PhD student in HDFS). The purpose is to serve students and faculty across the university who are teaching or taking classes that involve data analysis using R. They found that many instructors have been teaching R to their students as a component of their courses. This creates extra work for instructors and a steeper learning curve for students. These courses will allow faculty to direct their students to a high-quality set of training materials that will be accessible at any time, regardless of whether students are enrolled, and will free up time in their own classes to teach subject matter instead of teaching coding.

Grant Awarded to Andee Kaplan

The goal of this project is to develop a major methodological advancement in the Bayesian entity resolution literature with the extension of current work on streaming record linkage. The new work will allow for a data scenario where duplicates exist within a database (de-duplication) rather than being restricted to duplicates across databases (record linkage). We use recursive Bayes ideas to have near real time updates as more data becomes available (i.e., the streaming context).

Streaming Record Linkage for Online Data Deduplication (North Carolina State University Laboratory for Analytic Sciences). PI: Kaplan and Betancourt ($130,351.57; CSU: $90,623.57). Calendar Year 2021

Congratulations to our CNS Award Winners!

Congratulations to our very own Department of Statistics CNS Award winners! Faculty member Jana Anderson won the Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award. Ph.D. student Alex Fout won the Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award.

Congratulations Jana and Alex!

Wen Zhou Elected as ISI Member

Wen Zhou has been elected as a Elected Member of the ISI (International Statistical Institute,, one of the oldest community of statisticians since 1885, due to his significant contributions to high dimension data analysis, machine learning, bioinformatics and computational biology. ISI Elected membership is dedicated to those who are established in their careers and have made significant contributions to the statistical profession. Several faculty members in the Department of Statistics at CSU have already been elected as the Elected Member of the ISI. Much of Zhou’s work focuses on high-dimensional inference, multivariate time series and factor model, robust inference, and statistical machine learning, particularly with applications in statistical genomics, bioinformatics, quantitative linguistics, and econometrics. The problems of high-dimensional statistical inference have become acute with the explosion of high-throughput sequencing data: an example problem is determining differential expression of genes in a library of size 10,000 based on only a few replicate reads under each experimental condition. The model for each gene’s expression under each condition requires a set of parameters, so that the parametric dimension of the problem is huge and may exceed the sample size. Statistical approaches to these problems require novel methodological developments to handle the large scale, and new theoretical approaches to ensure essential properties like power to detect true discoveries and control on the rate of false discoveries. Zhou pays careful attention to developing these methods and theories under weak technical assumptions, so that the methods are valid under realistic conditions that are biologically relevant. He also ensures that his methods are computationally efficient and available to practitioners through easy-to-use software.
“‘Dr. Zhou has made significant contributions to the statistical profession through his research, teaching and services,” said Dr. Yehua Li, a professor of statistics at University of California, Riverside, “Dr. Zhou has proven himself as a valuable member of the international statistical society.”
Also, according to Dr. Jean Opsomer, an Elected Member of the ISI and the former head of the Department of Statistics at CSU, Equally important, he is actively collaborating with researchers in biology and biochemistry who are performing genomics analyses, to ensure that they are using the state-of-the-art statistical methods in this rapidly evolving field and that their results are statistically valid.”
Congratulations Wen!

Statistics Department's Bailey Fosdick and Alex Fout Assist with Mitigation Surveillance of COVID-19 Spread

Colorado State University has a long history of investigating infectious disease outbreaks and is known for research exploring the complex interplay of pathogens, disease vectors, and the ecosystems in which transmissions occur. CSU is focused on the translation of those findings into practical solutions used by farmers, pet owners, and patients. Read more here.

Setting the Stage: Statistical Collaboration Training Videos

Training students in the art of effective statistical collaboration is essential for their applied statistics education. Challenging situations can arise in collaborations that are necessary to discuss before they occur. Julia Sharp (CSU Associate Professor), Emily Griffith (NCSU Research Associate Professor), and Megan Higgs (Critical Inference LLC and CSU Alumni), with help from Ann Hess (CSU Associate Professor), received support from the American Statistical Association Member Initiative program to create a set of 10 short videos illustrating challenging and salient topics of communication for training in statistical collaboration. Scenarios portrayed in the videos convey realistic statistical collaboration encounters.  The 10 videos and accompanying materials can be used in training future statistical collaborators.  The videos can be found here.

Ben Prytherch Starts CSU Statistics Book Club

Statistics Instructor and Advisor Ben Prytherch, has started the CSU Statistics Book Club! The club started in January 2019, they read and discuss interesting topics from the world of data analysis and statistics that might not be emphasized in a stats class. Their first book was Deborah Mayo’s “Statistical Inference as Severe Testing”. In fall 2019, the club read Alex Reinhart’s “Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide”. For spring 2020, they are reading Judea Pearl’s “The Book of Why”. The book club is open to anyone! If you have questions about the group, or if you want to join, send an email to You can also learn more by checking out the CSU Statistics Book Club website, here. Happy reading!

Statistics Professor Honored for Expertise in Object - Oriented Data Analysis

Haonan Wang has been on the forefront of statistical analysis for nearly 20 years. He is well known in the statistics world for a variety of research areas, but his most innovative work is referred to as object-oriented data analysis. Read more…

SOGES Announces Sustainability Leadership Fellows

Lauren Hoskovec and Carrie Chennault from the CSU Statistics department were named  SoGES sustainability leadership fellows. Congratulations Lauren and Carrie! Read more here.