Aaron Nielsen Associate Professor


Phone: (970) 491-1109

Website: http://aaron-nielsen.github.io

Curriculum Vitae: http://aaron-nielsen.github.io/cv.pdf


  • Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado Denver (2018)
  • M.S. Statistics, Colorado State University (2014)
  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder (2008)


I am an Associate Professor of Statistics with a focus on undergraduate education. I have spearheaded the development of two new courses and an undergraduate certificate in Sports Statistics and Analytics, teaching these courses twice. Additionally, I have mentored undergraduate research projects in Sports Statistics and collaborated with the CSU football and softball teams. Over my career, I have taught a diverse array of twenty different courses in statistics and mathematics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prior to my academic career, I worked as an electrical engineer for a tech company in Denver.
