F Jay Breidt Emeritus


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  • 1991: PhD, Statistics, Colorado State University
  • 1989: MS, Statistics, Colorado State University
  • 1987: BA, Mathematics and English Literature, The College of Idaho


Jay Breidt, Professor and past Chair of the Department of Statistics at Colorado State University, has expertise in survey sampling, time series, nonparametric regression, and uncertainty quantification for complex scientific models. He received his PhD at Colorado State University in 1991 and spent the first nine years of his career at Iowa State University as an assistant professor and tenured associate professor, before returning to Colorado State in 2000. Breidt has an extensive record of refereed publications. He has presented over 130 invited short courses, conference talks, and academic seminars. Since 1991, his research has been supported continuously by a variety of agencies including the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Protection Agency, US Forest Service, and NASA.  Breidt is the Reviews Editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association and The American Statistician, and has been an associate editor for seven different journals.  He serves on the US Bureau of the Census Scientific Advisory Committee and has served on six review committees for the National Academy of Sciences.  He is past Chair of the American Statistical Association National Committee on Energy Statistics (an advisory panel for the Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy) and has served two terms on the Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee.  Breidt has received numerous honors, including recognition with a national prize in environmental statistics, elected membership in the International Statistical Institute, and elected fellowship in the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.  Breidt teaches courses at all levels in statistical theory and methods and currently serves as Undergraduate Director for the Department of Statistics.