April 1 – 14, 2023
Research Highlights

Anthony Frazier‘s undergrad research was published in the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (pg. 79)
Matt Koslovsky had a paper accepted in Biometrics, “A Bayesian Zero-Inflated Dirichlet-Multinomial Regression Model for Multivariate Compositional Count Data”

April 7: Faculty meeting in Weber 223H at Noon

April 3: Seminar at Noon in Wagar 232
Speaker: Ryan Lekivetz
April 3: Social Hour at 3:00 pm in room 006
April 5: SOARS Professional photo shoot at Noon in room 006
April 10: Seminar at Noon in Wagar 232
Speaker: Qian Xiao
April 10: Social Hour at 3:00 pm in room 006
May 2: Department Awards Ceremony at 3:00 in LSC
Department News

Undergraduate Emma Slack was accepted into North Carolina State University’s summer REU program
There is a new graduate student group! You can learn more on the Statistics Communication website.

The Statistics Teaching Working Group is open to all faculty, postdocs and grad students. Lunch is provided (RSVP to Kayleigh Keller). The group will meet two more times this semester:
April 19 at Noon in room 006 to discuss Creating a New Online course
May 3 at Noon in room 006 to discuss Accessibility & Attendance

April 4 at 4 pm and/or April 6 at 11:15 am in room 006
April 18 at 4 pm and/or April 20 at 11:15 in room 006
Extra copies of books are still available in room 006
May 2 at 4 pm and May 4 at 11:15 am in room 006 to talk about how the topics from the book apply to ChatGPT and other “large language models”.
Welcome to the Department of Statistics’ Newsletter collection! We hope that this page will become a living record of the achievements, milestones, awards, honors and other news from our outstanding students, faculty and staff. Enjoy!
Send your Statistics news, events, and story ideas to stats@stat.colostate.edu